This is the first week of Junk Journaling for Everyone’s Big Bite Challenge, a 12 week series of 12 challenges that all combine into one junk journal. Challenge 1 was to make 3 tags and 3 cards. The challenge tutorial videos by Michelle Rauf inspired me so much that I’ve spent the last two days making tags and cards!
I went with a vintage fairy theme. Got a bit carried away, as usual. Cards became mini journals, and tags became… well, mini-er journals… (I can’t help it, I’m a whimsical pragmatist.) Anyhow, if you’re looking for some ideas, here’s a little gallery of some fairy-themed journal ephemera. Everything you see here was made with the Fairy Tags & Collage Ephemera Kit.

Some extra tricks I used to decorate these fairy ephemera printables:
1. Tassels everywhere.
2. Bindi (face stickers) to add a bit of sparkle and shine.
3. After taking the photos, I dusted everything with gold glitter powder.
4. Did you know that if you empty out used tea bags and lay them flat to dry, they become beautiful tea-stained transparent paper? If you don’t unfold them, they also make wonderful stamp pockets!
5. Coloring over black and white printouts with watercolor colored pencils creates a really fun effect!


Small Journals
These started as cards, but I added some vintage paper and got a bit carried away…

More Journaling Cards
And some piles of finished fairy ephemera:

I’m already prepping tiny bottles and fairy wings for next week’s challenge! What sorts of things would you like to see in a fairy-themed junk journal? Let me know in the comments.
P.S. If you want to play with the same printables I used to make all of this, you can get those here. They’re half off until July 1st.
3 Responses
gorgeous. I’d like to see fairy homes, carved into tree trunks.
That’s a lovely idea! I’ll put it on the list for future fairy kits. Thanks, Teresa!
Wow, these are just stunning, and so versatile!